Hutong School Wins 'Mandarin School of the Year' Award

We were thrilled to learn that we had been nominated again in the category of Mandarin School of the Year from That’s Beijing Lifestyle Awards. There are a lot of Mandarin schools in Beijing so getting the recognition, as one of the best Mandarin schools was already pretty exciting. With categories in food, drinks, entertainment, language learning, and many more, this award is the most encompassing of all the expat-oriented awards in the city. Voting takes place on their website and on WeChat, and the results are published in the August magazine when all votes have been counted.
So for the past month or so, we’ve been holding our breath as we await the announcement for Mandarin school of the year. We’re happy to say, Hutong School has won the award for ‘Mandarin School of the Year’ 2 years in a row now! We’re so honored for this amazing award and for everyone who voted for us and came out to support us. We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for all of our wonderful students and the local community.
Having been nominated and winning 2 years in a row for “Mandarin School of the Year” truly has been an honor for us. We want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to all our amazing students and alumni for supporting us. It’s been an amazing 12 years, and we look forward to the next 12 years with you!
If you haven’t had your Hutong experience yet: get in touch, pack your bags, and start your China adventure with us!